Summer Camps

Walk to Emmaus    Kairos Texas

Walks/Emmaus/Kairos Outside

These retreats are a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. Butman Camp is honored to host these retreats throughout the year for the following communities:

Mesquite Country Christian Community
Lay Director: Shawn Marvel
512 Hickory St. PMB 9
Colorado City, TX 79512
Upcoming Walks:
October 24-27, 2019 - MCCC Men’s #120
March 12-15, 2020 - MCCC Ladies #121
April 23-26, 2020 - MCCC Men #122
September 10-13, 2020 - MCCC Ladies #123
October 22-25, 2020 - MCCC Men # 124

Sweet Water Emmaus Community
Lay Director: Derek Montgomery
P. O. Box 791
Sweetwater, TX 79556
Upcoming Walks:
February 6-9, 2020 - SWEC Ladies #72
April 16-19, 2020 - SWEC Men # 73
September 17-20, 2020 - SWEC Ladies #74
October 8-11, 2020 - SWEC Men #75

Kairos Outside Midland
Community Leader: Barbara Hicks
April 2-5, 2020
October 15-18, 2020

Kairos Outside Abilene
Community Leader: Nancy Patterson
February 28-March 1, 2020
August 28-30, 2020