Summer Camps

Summer Camps

NWTX Counselor Registration will
open after March 16th 2020

For Parents

Welcome to Butman Methodist Camp’s parent page

Here you will find information regarding your camper’s stay while at Butman this summer. You can download forms such as New Dawn II medical forms, paper registration forms, and camp packets for your camper’s week of camp(s). The camp packets will tell you and your camper what to bring to camp, arrival & pick-up times, and a transportation permission slip (if camper is being picked up other than by the parents), and information about Butman Camp’s store, and how to connect with your camper while at camp. You will also be able to email a note to your camper, find out about Open House, and have answers to the most frequently asked questions.

* CAMP PACKETS  |  Camper Registration Forms  |  G.R.A.C.E. Camp Registration Form  |  New Dawn II Registration & Required Medical Forms   |   F.A.Q   |   Camper Email
If you have any questions regarding this page please email or call the camp registrar at or 325.846.4212.

How can I send letters to my camper while at camp?

You can mail camper letters, and or bring letters with you at check-in to be handed out during the week. If mailing letters please mail no later than Wednesday to insure they will arrive on time (Young Elementary Camp, please bring letters at check-in). It is very helpful if you will put what camp your camper will be attending that week on the envelope somewhere. You can also click on camper email which will take you to a page where you can write your camper a note while at camp. These are then sent to the camp registrar and will be delivered to the camp leadership team where they will distribute the notes accordingly. After you submit an email, it is automatically sent and printed by the camp office personnel and delivered to the appropriate camps leadership team. The camp leaders then distributes the emails to the campers. After the emails are printed and handed over to the camp it is the camp’s leadership team’s responsibility, not Butman Camp’s to ensure your camper receives it.

Camp Packets

Please click below to download camp packets for your camper’s week of camp(s).

Young Elementary 3rd-4th Grade
June 1-3, 2020

One Way Advance Mid High Camp 6th-8th Grade
June 1-5, 2020

Senior High One Way Advance Camp 9th-12th Grade
June 8-12, 2020

New Dawn II Camp 18+ (intellectually challenged adults)
June 22-26, 2020

Elementary One Way Advance Camp 4th-6th Grade
July 6-10, 2020

G.R.A.C.E. Camp 4th-6th Grade (incarcerated loved ones)
July 20-24, 2020

Camp Registration will open December 3rd, 2019

Open House | May 19th
from 2-5pm

Free food, Swimming, The “ROCK”, and More!


What time is check-in and pick-up for my camper?
Check-in is between 10:00am and 12:30pm, except for New Dawn II, which is at 2:30-3pm.
Pick-up is around 11:30am for all camps. Please refer to the Camp Packet for your camper’s specific check-in and pick-up times.

How do I pay for camp?
You can pay online with a credit card, mail in a money order or check, or you can bring your payment to the first day of camp. For your convenience, customized payment plans are available online through your email.

Can the camp accommodate dietary needs for my camper?
In most cases the answer is yes. Please call or email the food service director at or 325.846.4212 to find out how we can help.

How can I send letters to my camper while at camp?
You can mail camper letters, and or bring letters with you at check-in to be hand out during the week. If mailing letters please mail no later than Wednesday to insure they will arrive on time (Young Elementary Camp, please bring letters at check-in). It is very helpful if you will put what camp your camper will attending that week on the envelope somewhere.

How can I see pictures of my camper?
Butman Camp will be posting pictures to our FACEBOOK page daily. Just click on pictures and then find your camps folder. Here there will be various pictures of that specific camp’s activities.

How much money does my camper need for the camp store?
Camp t-shirts usually run from $12-$25, jewelry $3-$10, and snacks and or slushies between $1-$2. Other specialty novelty items may be available and can be between $3-$15.


Experience Camp Butman

Young Elementary Camp
for incoming 3rd-4th grade
June 1-3, 2020

click here for more information

Fee by Feb. 24: $148

By April 20: $159

After April 20: $170

Morgan Ramos Morgan Ramos
Brandye Glenn Brandye Glenn
Leadership Team

Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary Young Elementary

One Way Advance Mid Hi Camp
for incoming 6th-8th grade
June 1-5, 2020

click here for more information

Fee by Feb. 24: $290

By April 20: $305

After April 20: $318

Activities include: Bible Study, Small Groups, Challenge Course, Climbing Wall, Swimming, Hiking, Crafts, and Much, Much more.

Theme: FOCUS
Scriptures: Exodus 3:1-14 and Acts 3:1-11

Brent Aiken Brent Aiken
Blake Durham Jenny Walls
Leadership Team

Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp Mid Hi Camp

Senior High One Way Advance  Camp
for incoming 9th-12th grade
June 8-12, 2020

click here for more information

Fee by Feb. 24: $290

By April 20: $305

After April 20: $318

Robert Burk Robert Burke
Hughes Erin Hughes
Assistant Director

Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp Sr Hi Advance Camp

New Dawn II Camp
for ages 18 & up
(New Dawn II for intellectually challenged adults)
June 22-26, 2020

click here for more information

Fee by Feb. 24: $290

By April 20: $305

After April 20: $318

Activities include: Bible Study, Small Groups, Challenge Course (Boot-E-Bag), Climbing Wall, Swimming, Skits, Crafts, a dance and much more.

JenniferTrevino Jennifer Trevino
Tracy Mainka Tracy Mainka
Leadership Team

New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp

Elementary One Way Advance Camp
for incoming 4th-6th grade
July 6-10, 2020

click here for more information

Fee by Feb. 24: $280

By April 20: $295

After April 20: $308

Experience Jesus through Bible Bowl and Bible heroes who "come to life" each evening at worship! Discover new friends through hiking, games, the climbing wall, small groups, music, crafts, and much more.

Marvin Gregory Marvin Gregory
Wesley Holland Wesley Holland
Leadership Team

Kristi Cartensen Kristi Carstensen
Leadership Team

New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp New Daw II Camp

G.R.A.C.E. Camp (God's Radically Awesome Camp Experience)
for incoming 4th-6th grade
GRACE is for children with incarcerated loved ones
July 20-24, 2020

click here for more information

Fee by Feb. 24: $280

Camper Pays $25 (if have an incarcerated parent, step parent, or lives in home with another camper that does)

We are an Angle Tree camp.

Activities include: Bible Study, Small Groups, Challenge Course, Climbing Wall, Swimming Hiking, Crafts, and much more.

Monty Barnett Monty Barnett
Morgan Ramos Morgan Ramos
Leadership Team
Ashley Barnett Ashley Barnett
Leadership Team

Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp Grace Camp